5 Quotes & Sayings By Whitley Strieber

Whitley Strieber is one of the most successful authors in the field of alternate reality fiction. Among the books he has written are Communion, Transformation, Transformation II: The Rescue, and Shadowlands. He has been a guest on Oprah Winfrey's "Celebrity Interviews" and has appeared on "Larry King Live," "The Today Show," "Rachael Ray," and numerous other television programs. His books have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have sold more than 7 million copies in hardcover alone Read more

He lives with his wife in rural Ohio, where he raises a large vegetable garden, runs a nursery business, and raises chickens.

Humanity could be clutching the frail barque of an outmoded world view while the wind of the mind is swaying the stars into very real craft, and out of them is coming… a faint call for help from a lady in a flowered dress. Whitley Strieber
The old world was destroyed because of its own greed and secretiveness. Those least evolved rose to the top, as happens here. Your leaders, as you call them, are all people with damaged senses of self-worth. The damaged goods run the civilization. That’s why it cannot last." "Abraham Lincoln was damaged goods?"" The need to lead is a symptom. Whitley Strieber
Every Christmas now for years, I have found myself wondering about the point of the celebration. As the holiday has become more ecumenical and secular, it has lost much of the magic that I remember so fondly from childhood. Whitley Strieber
I put the copy of 'A Christmas Carol' that my grandfather had first read to me 60 years ago on my desk, and I began to write. The result, for better or for worse, is the 'Christmas Spirits.' I plan to read it to my grandson. Whitley Strieber